A Message from NCHS:

Jags - we have an amazing AVID program at NCHS filled with amazing students! What we are missing are amazing AVID tutors! AVID tutors assist students achieve their full potential by facilitating collaborative tutorial groups. Tutors use Socratic questioning and collaborative learning techniques to help the students come up with the answers to their questions on their own and by working with fellow students. AVID tutorials take place in small groups that are subject area specific. As an AVID tutor, you are an active participant in the learning, growth, and personal development of students.

We provide training for all AVID volunteers - you will not just be “thrown in!” The SignUp Genius link below provides many opportunities to be an AVID tutor. Choose as many dates/times as you can fit into your schedule! AVID tutorials take place on Wednesday and Thursday Block Days during 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th. If you have a planning period during any of those times and you want to volunteer on occasion to be an AVID tutor, sign up below!

Our kids need you and we thank you in advance for volunteering! And please scroll down on the SignUp Genius page as there are lots and lots of dates to choose from!
