In the event of an emergency, do not rush to the school to pick up your child. This will only create additional traffic that may impede needed emergency vehicles and your presence at the site could delay the evacuation process. Children and parents will be reunited in a safe, orderly and timely manner.
School will not automatically be canceled in a crisis or emergency situation. School may well be the safest place for students. Officials will ensure that students are safe inside until such time that the threat has been reduced or eliminated.
Should public safety officials call for the evacuation of a school, students and staff members may be safely transported by bus to a designated alternate shelter location. Students may be held at this alternate shelter site for various reasons until release is approved by public safety or health officials, depending on the circumstances of the event.
Students will only be released to those individuals authorized on the school emergency card. Proper identification must be presented in order for students to be released.
2. Home Emergency Preparedness
During the first few hours or days following a disaster, essential services may not be available. People must be ready to act on their own. Being prepared at home is the single most important thing to help your family and the community.
Here are some easy to follow things to do:
Washington State now has an Earthquake Early Warning cellphone application.
For more information about it, goto this website:
If you want more information about preparedness, help with next steps or want information about Community Emergency Response Teams contact Robin McKenzie