NCHS PTSA will be sponsoring a “Build Your Own Parfait" yogurt bar on Friday, March 21st. We would love your help to show the staff how much we appreciate them!
PTSA will provide the yogurt and cookies. Consider signing up below to donate an item below. If your donation is delivered in a non-disposable platter, please ensure that you label your platter, and it will be washed and ready for pick up by 2:30 p.m.
If you prefer, you can make a monetary donation (PayPal: @northcreekptsa or make a check payable to NCHS PTSA and please note Staff Appreciation). All food & monetary donations can be dropped off in the main office by 9:30 AM.
If you wish to help with planning this event, please email We'd love to have you!
We thank you for helping us spoil our amazing North Creek staff. Questions? Please call or text Mary 425-273-0999 or Cheri 206-910-8536.
North Creek PTSA Staff Appreciation Committee Chairs: Mary & Cheri